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Black Friday shopping not helping your depression? Transcranial magnetic stimulation Philly can help.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation Philly
November 23, 2018 joreardon No Comments

Black Friday shopping not helping your depression? Transcranial magnetic stimulation Philly can help.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation Philly has had a great success rate in treating major depression. Today being Black Friday, you might be tempted to head out for some retail therapy. Perhaps you are spending more money than you should to feel better. You can read about the dangers of this kind of self-treatment for depression and know that there is help for you when this doesn’t work.

In reality, researchers discovered that 62% of consumers have actually acquired something to cheer themselves up (Psychology Today). Some call it “retail therapy” since shopping can make some of us feel a lot much better (especially when we’re feeling down or stressed out).

All of us take pleasure in a little retail therapy from time to time. In small, manageable dosages it can soothe the soul. Shopping isn’t a problem when it’s carried out in moderation, just like moderate use of alcohol.

The problem is when shopping avoids us from paying our bills on time, breaking our spending plans, lying and/or concealing purchases, and sensation guilty or embarrassment. Regrettably, letting emotions effect our money choices can lead us down the wrong path. Your gut can guide you wrong.

An escape from truth.

Whether it’s the images sprinkled across the walls, that “signature odor” we breathe in, or the upbeat music that has us humming along– the entire shop experience was carefully crafted and tested to make us forget everything about our spending plan. Reality check: We can’t afford to forget that it’s the company trying to get us to spend money.

The Dangers of Shopping: What Can It Cost Us?

Now that we know why we take out our wallets so willingly for retail therapy, is blowing the budget actually a bad thing if it seems to be conserving our peace of mind?

There are a few parts of our lives that both scientists and shopaholics agree can suffer at the hands of shopping if we do not shop properly. One or more of these usually suffer when trying to self-medicate in this way:

  • Preventing us from attaining our long term goals (buying a house or getting married)
  • Relationships are often put on hold when shopping is made so important
  • Healthy concerns are also a factor, as retail therapy might be numbing you in the moment, but the bills that come after will certainly be a source of stress
  • Giving to others is also greatly hindered. We can’t give to others if we’re just trying to give to ourselves

Transcranial magnetic stimulation Philly can help you

TMS treatment for depression can help you when conventional methods aren’t successful. Don’t let the holiday blues get you down and spending a lot of money this Black Friday. Transcranial magnetic stimulation Philly is available in Voorhees New Jersey. Psychiatrist John O’Reardon has decades of psychiatry experience and is one of the pioneers of TMS treatment for depression. Reach out to Dr. O’Reardon today at his office by calling 856-375-2406. Another way to get in touch via email is by using this form.